Friday, May 25, 2012

mais fotos no dia

Vitória's anchorage

Ships at anchorage...wait wait and wait

 Above you can see, special purpose offshore vessel or construction vessel.
Bourbon Oceanteam  101.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Departure of M/V NSS Dynamic

Ore carrier NSS Dynamic departure from Tubarão "pier # 2"
Load 233,000 tons of iron ore.

Nss Dynamic, deixando o Porto de Tubarão, carregado com 233 mil tons de minério de ferro.
Destino Japão.

 NSS Dynamic

Ship Type: Ore carrier
Year Built: 2002
Length x Breadth: 317 m X 55 m
Gross Tonnage: 118305, DeadWeight: 233.584 tons
Speed recorded (Max / Average): 13.8 / 9.2 knots
Flag: Panama  
Call Sign: HOIF
IMO: 9237230, MMSI: 351043000

Voyager info:
Draught: 18.4 m
Destination: JP KZU - Japão (destino)
ETA: 2012-06-29 08:00

Praia Mole (Tubarão)

Some photos Port of Tubarão surrounding.
Algumas fotos entorno do Porto de Tubarão.

 Ship unloaders gantry tipe, that's new one. Used for discharge coal and fertilizer 
Os novos descarregadores de navios do tipo ponte rolante. Usados para descarregar carvão mineral e fertilizantes.
 Jan de Null dredger - "Niccolo Machiavelli"- Type: Self propelled cutter suction. 
The ship has three engines of type MAN Diesel A.G. – 6L48/60 7,200 kW/500rpm which are running three main alternating generators, each having a power of 7,200 kW at a voltage of 6.6kV. The ship length is 138.50 m, beadth 26 m and height ranging from 8.80 to 12.20 m, with a deadweight of 2,200 tons and a draught of 5.75 m. The enormous power of 21 MW, sufficient to provide electric current for a small town of 25,000 people, is being used for the operation of the dredging equipment. The major consumption of power is by three huge dredge pumps, each having a power of 5 MW. The ship develops a speed of 13 knots with diesel electric propulsion, driven by two electric motors of 3.5 MW each.

A draga da Jan de Null -Niccolo Machiavelli
Ship Type: Cutter suction dredger
Year Built: 2011
Length x Breadth: 120 m X 32 m
Gross Tonnage: 8600, DeadWeight: 2680 t
Speed recorded (Max / Average): 5.8 / 5.8 knots
Flag: Luxembourg 
Call Sign: LXMC

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dredging in Tubarão

Dragagem em Tubarão
Poor quality of photos because I've use one cell cam.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Grand Holiday in Vitória 1/12/2012

Grand Holiday aerial view 

When i'm come back home inside chopper after four weeks out i don't expect  for this nice surprise beyond the hills
The portuguese liner Grand Holiday inbound Vitória